How do Satellite Phones Work?
This is the common question that How do satellite phones work? When hype on online that Tesla Phone will come recent this question more and more ask-able in the forums and communities. Now we will explain how Satellite phones work? and what is Satellite communication systems. Satellite is one of the top most important innovation for modern life.
Satellite Communication Systems
There are three types of satellite communication systems which differ in terms of orbit and signal strength.
Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites have small area coverage and they orbit below about 1,800 miles from the earth’s surface.
Medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites peak at 9,000 miles and are commonly used in navigation systems such as GPS
Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) satellites at 22,300 miles and they are positioned over the equator.
The distance of orbit from the earth has an inverse relationship with signal strength and positive one with a satellites lifespan.
Because of their proximity to the Earth, LEO satellites provide strong signals; LEO and MEO satellites are used most frequently by satellite phone services.

What Is A Satellite Phone?
Satellite phones are there for you when no other mobile, cellular or landline phone will connect. They receive their signal from satellites that are orbiting or that are geo stationary around the earth. These satellite signals can be accessed from any place on the planet from the middle of the ocean to the top of a mountain depending on the type of satellite supplier you are using as not all suppliers are the same. Some are global and others have restrictions such as the Thuraya network is not allowed over the USA.
People involved in relief or rescue operations count on satellite phones to make connections and you can too for casual use and any emergency that arises. Most satellite phones are rented or hired for peace of mind. Really they are the best insurance policy you can have. Unlike just beacons that give off signals, a satellite phone allows you to communicate and if need be give GPS coordinates if assistance is needed.
How do Satellite Phones Work?
A satellite phone is in actuality nothing but a radio transceiver. It sends signals directly to a satellite (part of a network of satellites). When the satellite phone is turned on, the signal goes up to any number of satellites in a compatible constellation where it is then registered with the constellation.
Unlike traditional cell phones that rely on cell towers, satellite phones work anywhere on earth. Once you leave the city, satellite networks are the only networks offering reliable communication. For this reason, we have satellite phones that work anywhere, even in the most remote areas of the world.
In some countries, possession of a satellite phone is illegal. India – only Inmarsat-based satellite services are permitted within territories and areas under Indian jurisdiction. Importation and operation of all other satellite services, including Thuraya and Iridium, is illegal.

Working of a satellite Phone
A satellite phone is in actuality nothing but a radio transceiver. It sends signals directly to a satellite (part of a network of satellites). When the satellite phone is turned on, the signal goes up to any number of satellites in a compatible constellation where it is then registered with the constellation.
Those signals are then sent back to earth to a station. The Gateway (earth station) processes and takes care of the switching of the calls rather than the satellite network. This station then directs the call to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) or to a cellular network.
If calling from a cell or wired phone to a satellite phone, the system works in reverse. Or suppose a satellite phone calling another satellite phone. The signal goes up to the satellite, down to earth, back up to a satellite and then back down to earth again.
The frequency specification of a satellite phone is 626.5 to 1660.5 MHz for transmitter and 1525.0 to 1559.0 MHz for receiver.